Advanced Media Lens Maintenance center

Lens Maintenance center

Lens Maintenance center

Professional Lens
Maintenance Centre

Advanced Media has established a professional Lens Maintenance Centre equipped with all the essential tools for repairing any types of broadcast and professional lenses including: 2/3" HD-SD, ENG, EFP/box and PL mount / Cine lenses such as Fujinon, Canon, Zeiss, Arri, Angenieux.

We offer affordable Service & maintenance of your lenses including necessary cleaning,lubrication and calibration.

Our trained technicians can help you to protect your investment for proper functioning of your lenses and delivering their highest optical performance.

We offer the following services in our Lens Maintenance Centre:

  • Lens Overhauling:
  • Focus group full cleaning.
  • Re-greasing focus helicoid.
  • Cleaning and Calibration of Drive Unit.
  • Complete cleaning and re-greasing back focus mechanism assembly.
  • Complete cleaning Iris Assembly.
  • Complete servicing of zoom group: cam unit and barrel.
  • Axis and optical alignment.
For more info, please call 04 352 9977 or send an email to